Racing the Wind, Oceans Matter Prize Giveaway.


When I founded Racing the Wind, one goal has been to better understand how the changing ocean environments affect the sports/hobbies/adventutes we love.

Why this year

What was eye opening to me, and from what I saw from other boats’ daily updates, was the seemingly increased amount of debris we had to sail through this year.

The other thing that is important to understand is how few people actually witness this in person.

Being the lucky few who do, means we can help assist in research that lets us all better understand our impact on the oceans. So Racing the Wind have decided to offer prizes to help with engagement.

One way the ocean crossing community can assist is through participation in Dr Jan Hafner’s Citizen Science program. He works at University of Hawaii and this program allows for observation of objective data along the routes we sail.

There will be an announcement by Dr Hafner at the Pacific Cup Return skippers meeting at Kaneohe Yacht Club at 10 am Saturday.

Oceans Matter Giveaway

Racing the Wind has decided to give out prizes to participants of the Pacific Cup returns who are able to gather useful observations for Jan’s project.


To participate, you must be registered return skipper or crew on a 2022 Pacific Cup registered boat which has been raced to Hawaii in the 2022 Pacific Cup, and which is being returned from Kanehoe to mainland US by sailing(eg, not shipped back to the mainland.)


The person providing the observations will be elligible for one of the following awards as decided through discussions with the research team.

Top Contributer: Garmin Quantix 7 watch

Follow up Contributor: Goal Zero 100AC Power Bank

Third Place Contributor: Leatherman Wave Plus multitool.

How to participate

To enter, please attend the 10am Saturday meeting at KYC, and if interested, sign up with Dr Hafner for any of the observation types being requested.

Please only choose observations that are safe and timely to do while underway in a sailing environment, and take into consideration your boat crews’ skill level.

Also, please remember that a safe return of the crew and boat is the utmost priority superceeding data collection.

Register for the give away

If registering for data collection and to be in consideration for the prize give away, after registering with Dr Hafner, send an email to

with the subject line:

“Citizen Science Prize Giveaway Contestant”

And specify:


Boat Name:

Departure Date:


Avoiding Hurricanes at Walking Speed, Part 1


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